male nurse with child patient

Types of Accommodation

There are three types of accommodation for hospital patients: ward, semi-private or private. Everyone is entitled to ward accommodation, but anyone can choose to upgrade to semi-private or private. There is an extra charge for semi-private and private rooms, but the cost may be covered by your insurance plan. If your insurance plan does not cover all the extra cost, you will be required to pay for it yourself. We try to give every patient the kind of room that they want if it is available.


Please note that the Ministry of Health has mandated that a co-payment (or extra payment) must be charged to a patient whose doctor has determined that the patient requires chronic care and is more or less permanently resident in hospital or another institution, including a Long-Term Care Home. Some patients may be eligible for a rate reduction from the basic co-payment rate. For more information, please contact our Discharge Planner.