Mississippi River Health Alliance

Two Hospitals. One Goal. The very best care close to home.

In April 2016, Almonte General Hospital (AGH) and Carleton Place & District Memorial Hospital (CPDMH) created the Mississippi River Health Alliance, building on a history of collaboration. The two hospitals have now formed stronger ties with a single goal: better care.


The Mississippi River Health Alliance (MRHA) supports ongoing planning. There is a joint committee that provides a means for both Boards - as well as other healthcare partners - to work together to identify opportunities for better care. The committee makes recommendations to the two hospital boards.   


The Mississippi River Health Alliance has a new community newsletter – to keep you informed about news at Almonte General Hospital, Fairview Manor, Lanark County Paramedic Service and Carleton Place & District Memorial Hospital. We are working together to ensure the very best care close to home. We welcome your input.


 Our Better Together Newsletter 


Other News 


Read about our recent collaborative opportunities: 


Strategic Planning

AGH & CPDMH have developed a joint strategic plan to set the direction for health care in our region over the next 3 to 5 years. This joint plan will ensure alignment between the two hospitals as partners in the MRHA.  


Read our Strategic Plan



If you have any additional questions, please contact Carol Anne Esnard, Board Chair, CPDMH at 613-257-2200 ext. 824.