We Value Your Input

Have you, a family member or friend had a recent experience with the Carleton Place & District Memorial Hospital? Was it a favourable experience? Or, was it not so great? Either way would you like to improve how the hospital operates? If interested, please continue reading. 

The hospital has a committee composed of volunteers who have had experiences, good and bad, with the hospital over the last three years. These folks work together to ensure patients and their families’ views are heard and incorporated in the hospital operations.


This committee is called the Patient and Family Advisory Committee (PFAC). It was established in 2015. It is evolving to be a diverse committee which represents our community. It meets a minimum of five times a year. The heart of patient care is under the umbrella of patient and family-centred care with a focus on patients, their families and caregivers. PFAC serves in an advisory capacity, providing input to, and making recommendations on, matters that impact the experience of patients and their families. With a formal and structured partnership between PFAC and management, the hospitals will be able to better identify and integrate the patients’ perspectives into its planning, development of services and quality improvement activities.How to become a PFAC member?  PFAC is currently recruiting members who represent the diverse cultures and needs of our community.To learn more or become a potential PFAC member, please review the following attachments. If you would like more details please email pfac@mrha.ca


Download the Expression of Interest
Download the PFAC Brochure
Download the PFAC Terms of Reference
Download the PFAC Annual Report 2021-22
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