Patient Bill of Rights and Responsibilities
We are committed to patient-focused care and to working in partnership with patients and their families to provide the best patient experience.
Please take a moment to read our Patient Bill of Rights and Responsibilities
Patients have the rights to:
Be treated with respect and courtesy.
Be assured of privacy, confidentiality and security
of personal health information.
Access to their medical record.
A coordinated health care plan with the assurance that their information can be transferred to providers in a timely manner.
Expect a safe, accessible environment that is free of prejudice, harassment or abuse.
Know the names and roles of health care providers involved in their direct care.
Participate in all decisions regarding diagnosis, treatment and discharge planning.
- In the event that a patient is to communicate their wishes, they
have the right to appoint a Power of Attorney or communicate through an
advanced directive.
Be made aware of the formal complaint policy.
Make informed choices to consent or refuse treatment and to be made aware of the implications and risks of such decisions.
Have questions and concerns answered in terms that they can understand.
Be given a summary of costs of treatment/appliances which are their responsibility to pay.
A transparent, accountable response when an error has been made.
Patients are expected to:
Participate with the health care providers in planning treatment, rehabilitation and discharge.
Accept responsibility for decisions that they make
about treatment of care, or no treatment of care.
Ask questions and share relevant and accurate information with the care providers.
- Identify a spokesperson with whom the staff can communicate or provide a valid Power of Attorney in the event that they cannot make decisions for themselves.
Ask questions, express any concerns they have over care or treatment.
Take care of personal property and valuables and send home anything that is not necessary.
Treat staff members, other patients and their families with respect.
Recognize that the needs of other patients may sometimes be more urgent than their own needs.
Respect hospital policies and property.
Participate in safety program that prevents the spread of infection.