male nurse with child patient


Patients and visitors may use the parking lot located at the front of the hospital.


For emergency purposes only, you may drive into the Ambulance garage to drop off a patient. The vehicle must be moved from the garage as soon as possible to ensure ambulances are not impacted.


Individuals with disability permits may use the designated spots on the ramp at the front of the hospital. Two additional designated parking spots are located in the rear parking lot.


The parking fee is $3.00 and you pay when exiting the parking lot. Exact change (a combination of loonies and toonies) is required. Change machines are located on both levels of the hospital.  Monthly passes, for frequent users, can be purchased through the Finance Department located on the main floor.


Parking revenue is used to support patient care. If you have questions or concerns about parking, please contact info@carletonplacehosp.com   We welcome your feedback.