We Want You!

The support of community partners, donors, volunteers, and leaders are instrumental in helping shape CPDMH’s future. Together, we can build a NEW Emergency Department and purchase specialized medical equipment to meet the needs of our community so you can receive healthcare close to home. 

There are many ways to get involved:

  • Become a Donor

Every gift to the campaign is meaningful. Thank you so much! Learn more about how to make a gift and how it will be celebrated.

  • Be a Volunteer - CPDMHF Ambassador 

Throughout the campaign, there will be many opportunities to help out as a volunteer. From assisting with administrative tasks to volunteering at campaign events, we’d love your support to have you on board. If you are interested, please call 613-253-GIVE (4483) and speak to one of our friendly team members. 

  • Organize an Event - Become a Friend-raiser

Community events are one of the many ways you can help raise funds and awareness about CPDMH. During the campaign, you may have an idea for an event in support of your local hospital. We would love to chat with you about the possibilities and how we can help you get started and assist you along the way.

From golf tournaments to bottle drives, we truly appreciate your time and effort. If you are interested in hosting an event to support the Healthy Furtures. Together! campaign, please contact The Foundation office at founation@carletonplacehosp.com or by calling 613-257-GIVE (4483)

We’d love to chat!

Robyn Arseneau – Executive Director

T: 613-257-GIVE (4483) OR 613-257-2200 ext 856

F: 613-257-5197

Email: rarseneau@carletonplacehosp.com

Amber Campbell - Donor Stewardship and Office Administrator

T: 613-257-GIVE (4483) OR 613-257-2200 ext 250

F: 613-257-5197

Email: acampbell@carletonplacehosp.com


Alison Lunn - Donor Engagement and Communications Officer

T: 613-257-GIVE (4483) OR 613-257-2200 ext 250
F: 613-257-5197

Email: alunn@carletonplacehosp.com


Jessica Quattrochi - Donor Community Officer

T: 613-257-GIVE (4483) OR 613-257-2200 ext 250
F: 613-257-5197
Email: jquattrochi@carletonplacehosp.com


Donate Now!